To continue, and to build on the problem that refuting post modernism whole-hog creates, your epistemology stack is growing. Today, you have to trust more mediators in order to accept a view of reality. For consideration:
The ability to make fake is keeping up with the ability to catch fake. I would say that the grievance studies project supports that; what did they use to collect their inspiration, source material, and data? The internet, I presume.
I don’t know what you are suggesting is preventing science from being carried out! I very much believe in funding science, supporting science, and utilizing the scientific process (in the original Enlightenment conception of science: ignoramus).
The findings of science grow ever more complex. As the technology we use that is both built from that complexity and is used to observe new emerging thought is a series of trusted relationships, maintaining understanding involves an inevitable deferral of your understanding to an authority or a source that has editorial or rhetorical influence, don’t you think?